Tag Archives for LovE


通常说父母是我们 面对死亡中间的一道帘 父母不在了 我们就自己面对这个事儿了 想着想着 会觉得很难过 难以释怀 也许这是每个人生都会面对的 一种苦难吧

23. September 2019 by MM
Categories: 感悟, 生活, 认知 | Tags: , , | Comments Off on 人生苦难


如果没有这个人博客,我已经记不清是哪一年来深圳了,这个博客改过多次域名换过数次主机,一直没舍得丢弃,虽然更新的不多,但是它也断断续续记录了我来深圳以后的一些时间轨迹,如今回头看看从第一篇博客开始,是的,一年多由实习到毕业到工作到失业,为了谋生我于2011年来到深圳,而现在2019.06.16,再过两天,我就要离开深圳返回家乡了。 回想在深圳这些年,现在我竟然说不出确切的感受,竟然还有一点想哭的冲动,一直以来,都觉得自己的目标朦朦胧胧,但是归根到底都是为了多赚点钱,实现财务自由,而现在,目标还如此缥缈,我却不得不离开了,为了家人为了孩子,嗯,暂时可以是这个原因,我是个恋家的人,也很怀念小时候乡土,当你过了三十,当父母渐老,也许很多人也会像我一样想多陪陪家人,这辈子有缘做一家人真的太不容易了,真的得多陪陪家人,不然一个一个离开了,回想起来也会很伤心吧。都说父母是我们和死亡之间隔着的一道帘,当我们的年纪不小了而我们的心智我们的生存能力却还不够强大的时候,细品这句话,很伤心的,如果是一个突然醒来的午后想起这句话想起家人,那种伤心是更清晰的痛。

16. June 2019 by MM
Categories: 感悟, 生活, 行修, 认知 | Tags: , , | Leave a comment

Would You Like You, If You Met You?

You Were Born To Be Real, Not To Be Perfect. You Are Not Perfect, Never Have Been, Never Will Be. Be Weird. Be Random. Be Who You Are. Because You Never Know Who Would Love The Person You Hide. Would … Continue reading

08. April 2013 by MM
Categories: 感悟 | Tags: , , | 5 comments

Life Is Divine Chaos

We All Are A Little Broken. & That’s Okay. We have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom and hunger… forget that, we are a way for the cosmos to know itself. Our lives are a string of … Continue reading

16. March 2013 by MM
Categories: 生活 | Tags: , , | 26 comments

Take As Much Love As You Need

Take As Much Love As You Need. And Call Me On This Number Now.

21. January 2012 by MM
Categories: 生活 | Tags: | 2 comments

Start With A FACT

It’s A FACT!

20. January 2012 by MM
Categories: 生活 | Tags: , | Leave a comment

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