WTF 猪上树 羊上树

四川洪灾猪上树 haha.. 不管真假, 哥看一次笑一次, 尤其地上那只, 摔下来的? …

今天无意中看到某微博发的羊上树, 哥就纳闷了, 光秃秃的树, 看看枝头上这些家伙, 再想想它们的蹄子, 真的假的? 哥很鸡冻啊… 于是就分享给那堆FB粉丝验证, 证据立马就来了: We have that in morocco. It’s real and they’re trying to get berries. They eat every single leaf of the tree, these are nutmegs trees…外加一堆图片, 以下以伪waterfall形式分享几张 tree climbing goats…

27. March 2012 by MM
Categories: 认知 | Tags: | 1 comment

One Comment

  1. 给力的羊蹄 Lol

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