Category Archives for 认知

Cognition, Knowledge, Wisdom, Intelligence


中文版很泛滥啊, 哥来做个英文版的吧. 😛

10. April 2012 by MM
Categories: 认知 | 1 comment

WTF 猪上树 羊上树

四川洪灾猪上树 haha.. 不管真假, 哥看一次笑一次, 尤其地上那只, 摔下来的? … 今天无意中看到某微博发的羊上树, 哥就纳闷了, 光秃秃的树, 看看枝头上这些家伙, 再想想它们的蹄子, 真的假的? 哥很鸡冻啊… 于是就分享给那堆FB粉丝验证, 证据立马就来了: We have that in morocco. It’s real and they’re trying to get berries. They eat every single leaf of the tree, these are nutmegs … Continue reading

27. March 2012 by MM
Categories: 认知 | Tags: | 1 comment

The Truth: I Never Finish Anyth

I Never Finish Anyth 比真的还真 看懂的 看不懂的 事实就在那里

28. February 2012 by MM
Categories: 认知 | Tags: | Leave a comment

哥设计的32GB Micro-SD Card T-shirt

软盘你很’大’是吧 哥的TF也才32GB而已哒 LOLz … <I> Looking Back But Heading Forward

10. February 2012 by MM
Categories: 认知 | Tags: | Leave a comment


睁大你迷死人不偿命的双眼! 别告诉我这是真的! 告诉你这是真的?

03. February 2012 by MM
Categories: 认知 | Leave a comment

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