Category Archives for 生活

Life, Love, Living

杂记: 谋生的道路上办法总比困难多

要不是邮件提醒域名到期, 也许这博客就此丢弃了, 索性换新域名回归简单本质, 写写记记. 晚上在朋友那喝了点五十多度白酒, 第一次觉得五十多度的酒不烈, 喝着没有感觉, 也许是因为其间一直被朋友反复的一句话萦绕着思绪吧: 办法总比困难多.. 很多人也听过了, 但是对我而言那是别有感触, 回想独立SOHO也超过一年了, 乐观的说, 是的, 自己也可以给自己打工养活自己了, 可在我心里却是莫名不可言喻. 这一年赚的是点点滴滴辛苦钱, 赚得可怜: 销售额看似可观30W, 而利润不敢算也不想算, 积压着的几W货还在这, 身上现金也少得慌, 所谓利润可想而知. 如今更是临近春节, 心里各种滋味…

10. January 2015 by MM
Categories: 感悟, 生活 | Tags: | 3 comments

专业吓小孩 顺便吓吓女人

15. March 2014 by MM
Categories: 生活 | Tags: , | 2 comments

Let Your Brain Do The Job

“Let Your Brain Do The Job” 看图有左右 感觉有前后 明的不行 就让你暗着来

26. March 2013 by MM
Categories: 生活 | Tags: , | 16 comments

Life Is Divine Chaos

We All Are A Little Broken. & That’s Okay. We have a hard time deciphering the fine line between boredom and hunger… forget that, we are a way for the cosmos to know itself. Our lives are a string of … Continue reading

16. March 2013 by MM
Categories: 生活 | Tags: , , | 26 comments

WTF: 什么情况?

什么情况? 看谁的猜测最准确

11. March 2013 by MM
Categories: 生活 | Tags: | 12 comments

I Can & I Will – 201314

Use it up. Where it out. Make it do or do with out. 2013的决定会影响我14吗?

04. January 2013 by MM
Categories: 生活 | Tags: , , | 2 comments


挺有’生存意义’的单词 hehe 让我想起小时候蛮夷腹地深山里那些自生自灭的水果蔬菜 所以小记下… 发挥你身为人类这种元素所特有的变态想像 相信我 世界上最美的颜色是水果的颜色

01. September 2012 by MM
Categories: 生活 | Tags: | Leave a comment

Happy For No Reason

Happy Friday, folks. This was a slower week than I would have liked, but for good reasons that I can finally got something new to busy with. Have a great weekend.

09. March 2012 by MM
Categories: 生活 | Tags: | 3 comments

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